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Bellamy Team

Board of Directors & Key Staff Personnel


The role of the Board is to plan, formulate and ensure implementation of the organizations’ corporate interests. An AGM is held every year in accordance to the Company’s Act.

The top management team involved in running the affairs of BSL includes the Managing Director, Marketing Director, Finance Manager, and Human Resource and Administration Manager.

BSL is governed by 6 Board members drawn from various areas of expertise and blend their diversity of skills and experience in the running of the organization.

The members of the board are drawn from varied fields of service e.g. Finance, Engineering, Medicine, Marketing. The BOD is important in formulating and implementing both short term and long term financial growth and planning for BSL.
Managing Director – Mr. Francis Wanyoike

Mr. Francis Wanyoike is the Managing Director  at Bellamy servicers  Limited. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree (B-Comm) and Masters in Business Administration (MBA-Finance) from United States International University (USIU).
He is a qualified Accountant CPA-(K) and member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK). He has proven experience in Financial Management, Auditing and Accounting having worked in the Banking Sector, Insurance, Audit and Microfinance industries among other sectors in senior management positions.
He has vast interests and successful ventures in the Real Estate and Export-Import Business. The managing director is responsible for the daily business of the company’s planning and strategy functions. He also holds Directorships in other well established companies.